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38th Vicenza Course on AKI & CRRT

Уважаемые коллеги! 26-28 мая 2020 года состоится 38 Курс по ОПП и продленным методам ЗПТ. Профессор Клаудио Ронко, инициатор и бессменный организатор курса, приглашает вас принять участие в этом исключительно важном мероприятии и обращается со следующим письмом:

38th Vicenza Course on AKI & CRRT that will be held in Vicenza, Italy, in May 26-28, 2020.
38 years, what a long journey. We started with the idea of offering an updated course on the most important advances in the area of nephrology, critical care, cardiology and cardiac surgery. The course stands in perfect shape maintaining the same mission and its multidisciplinary nature. For this reason, the faculty is composed of more than 50 experts in the field coming from different disciplines and representing the top scientists and investigators of current literature.
The Course will host an AKI path, a CRRT path and a Meet The Expert Path that will be held simultaneously. A series of lectures and panel discussions will be delivered during the days of the course. Our task is to put together specialists from different disciplines in a single scientific event with a multidisciplinary approach to the critically ill patient with acute kidney injury and multiple organ dysfunction.
Furthermore, this year we have added a pre congress program! There will be a Pediatric CRRT and Simulation Workshop as well as a special Joint Session with ESICM.
Do not miss the opportunity to discuss with your peers and the most experienced colleagues and experts the recent advances and the basic information in critical care nephrology. For 38 years we have been your partner in education and science. Please continue to support us in our effort for a better patient care.
Please visit our website here: http://www.irriv.com/courses/events/38th-vicenza-course-on-aki-crrt

Разделы журнала
Журнал "Нефрология и диализ"